Boys, It's been a fun ride. OTWS started as a small website dedicated to defacing the name of Bear Bryant back in 1996. It later evolved into the only unbiased recruiting website in the state taking on the name OTWS (Off The Wall Sports). Our website held to its mantra of unbiased recruiting and sports reporting throughout the years, along with a few comic, oped and general articles of interest along the way. During OTWS' stronghold on the market we've enjoyed such feature articles as "The Red Report", "J.J.'s JUCO Report" and the annual "Recruiting Rankings". In addition, our members have enjoyed good spirited collaboration on our award winning message board, "The Sidelines". Many breaking stories have come to you, the reader, via OTWS. Including UAT's suspension of Chris Samuels before the Orange Bowl, reports of free cars to UAT players which lead to NCAA penalties, Jetgate, the list goes on. Additionally, we all enjoyed the w(h)itty stories of future pulitzer prize winner J.J. Some of his work can be viewed in the archives. Headlines such as: "Tim Tebow Screws Bama", "UAT Fans Plan to Eat Plenty of Crow for Thanksgiving", "Former UAT HIV Invested Player Arrested", "Montgomery Black Caucus Demands Black Kicker", "Former UAT QB Gets Life in Prison", "UAT Once Again Embarrasses State" and "Glory Days at Auburn Continue". The list goes on and on. The Sidelines have also offered great entertainment from lovable posters such as: Scudder, AC Rasheed, SM, Big AL, Royal Rooster, AUHater, and who could forget: Duke. With all this said, I am sad to report that all good things must come to an end. The site has been dying a slow death over the past 2 years, and unless I renew my domain name subscription the website will officially shut down in the next few weeks. Therefore, I will give you scudder. I offer him as my sacrifice. He is one of our longest posters. His first post was recorded in March of 1997 and he has continued throughout the years. I actually didn't know his true identity until November of 2006, and I have kept my word to keep him anonymous. However, I have been released from that commitment since the site is going down. The true identity of scudder is: Keith Bodiford. Bod as he is known, is actually a bammer. Despite what many think about scudder, he is not gay. He somehow managed to keep his identity concealed for over 10 years while creating great controversy on the Sidelines. Scudder, OTWS salutes you.